miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

New Rules for Bicycles in Madrid

Traffic Department will amend the Rules for bikes circulation in the city this year.
They want to give priority to bicicles against cars on the streets which are limited to 30 Kmph. Cyclists will be authorized to drive along on sidewalks with more than three meters wide, but in any case, respecting one metro from the facades of buildings to allow a clear passage for pedestrians.

Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba clarifies that there should be a bike lane to differentiate the areas for pedestrian and for bicycles.

You can read more at El Pais , Madridiario, El Mundo.

Image: Gorka Lejarcegi, El País.

1 comentario:

  1. en vegas ambiental tambien apollamos el desarrollo sostenible, por eso esta articulo debería ser de primera lectura
