New exhibition at the LABoral Art and Industrial Creation Centre in Gijón with In The Air and some more research projects on new urban strategies: Habitar.
"Habitar is a walk through new emerging scenarios in the city. It is a catalogue of ideas and images from artists, design and architecture studios, and hybrid research centres. Together they come up with a series of potential tools, solutions and languages to negotiate everyday life in the new urban situation".
"Habitar is a walk through new emerging scenarios in the city. It is a catalogue of ideas and images from artists, design and architecture studios, and hybrid research centres. Together they come up with a series of potential tools, solutions and languages to negotiate everyday life in the new urban situation".
We present some In The Air news: an interactive projection, maps that show the pollution linked with the urban structure, some 3D stereolithographies that allows to understand the events and the day-working of the city in relation with the levels of pollution. We pretend to explode and develope the analytical skills, communication and experience of the application.
Thu, May 27 , 2010-Mon, November 8 , 2010
CURATOR: José Luis de Vicente
ARTISTS: Timo Arnall, Julian Bleecker, Ángel Borrego - Office for Strategic Spaces, Nerea Calvillo, Citilab-Cornellà, Pedro Miguel Cruz, Dan Hill, IaaC - Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña, kawamura-ganjavian + Maki Portilla Kawamura + Tanadori Yamaguchi, Aaron Koblin, Philippe Rahm architectes, Marina Rocarols, Enrique Soriano, Pep Tornabell, Theodore Molloy, Semiconductor, SENSEable City Lab, Mark Shepard
More information here.
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